Web Design

Winning Website Formula: 20-Point Audit to Drive Leads with Conversion Centered Design, Engagement & Persuasion

Did you know that 75% of visitors judge a company's credibility based on its web design? From eye-catching visuals to seamless navigation, every detail counts in capturing and retaining your audience's attention.

Estimated Read Time:  17 minutes


Winning Website Formula for Construction, Roofing, Contractors

Join us as we unravel the secret sauce behind crafting a winning website that elevates your online presence and drives more and better leads. Get ready to transform your website into a thriving hub of engagement and persuasion.

Winning Website Audit

1. Big Call to Action (CTA) Right Away

Your website’s success often hinges on how compelling your primary call to action is. A powerful CTA can prompt visitors to take the desired action, whether making an appointment, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you.

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Make your CTA prominent and easily clickable to ensure it stands out effectively. Use vibrant colors that contrast with the rest of your website design to draw attention. Consider using action-oriented language like “Start now” or “Get started today” to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate engagement from visitors.

Placing your CTA above the fold means positioning it in the upper portion of your website so that visitors see it without scrolling down. This prime real estate ensures maximum visibility for your CTA, increasing the likelihood of conversions. You immediately capture visitor interest by strategically placing your call to action at the top of your page.

Testing different variations of CTAs can improve conversion rates on your website. Experiment with various wording, colors, sizes, and placements to see what resonates best with your audience. Analyze click-through and conversion rates to determine which CTA performs most effectively in driving user actions.

2. Friendly Customer Focused Headlines

When creating headlines, think about how you can connect with your visitors on a personal level. Use language that resonates with them and clearly demonstrates the benefits of your service.

Experiment with various headline styles to see what captures your audience’s attention best. Using customer-centric language, you can clarify how your offering solves or fulfills their problems. Remember to keep your headlines concise, easy to understand, and focused on the value proposition you provide.

Highlight the unique selling points that set you apart from competitors. Showcase how your product or service can improve the customer experience or streamline processes for potential clients. This approach helps grab visitors’ attention and encourages them to explore further.

3. Add Pictures of Smiling Customers

Images of happy customers can significantly impact how potential buyers perceive your product or service. By showcasing real people enjoying what you offer, you establish a connection with visitors that goes beyond mere words.

Including high-quality pictures that evoke positive emotions is crucial in capturing your audience’s attention. These images should reflect genuine moments where customers benefit from your services, creating a sense of trust and credibility with new visitors to your site.

Whether it’s individuals using your product in everyday scenarios or groups showcasing their satisfaction, analyzing these visuals’ impact on potential customers can help tailor your website content for maximum engagement.

  • Showcasing real people enjoying benefits
  • Using high-quality emotive pictures
  • Utilizing before-and-after photos for demonstration
  • Testing various types of customer images for resonance

Adding pictures featuring smiling customers humanizes your brand and instills confidence in potential buyers by visually reinforcing the value and satisfaction of choosing your company over competitors. The emotional appeal created through these visuals can positively influence visitors’ perceptions and decision-making processes.

Placing customer-centric imagery throughout different sections of your website creates an immersive experience for users, guiding them toward making informed purchasing decisions based on authentic representations of satisfied clients. This approach helps address common questions or concerns, offering reassurance through relatable examples.

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Incorporating diverse customer images allows you to effectively cater to various segments within your audience. For instance, showing millennials engaging with a tech product might resonate differently than displaying older generations benefiting from health-related services. Understanding these nuances enables you to connect with different demographics and foster a sense of inclusivity among all users visiting your site.

4. Visual Reviews / Videos

Incorporate visual reviews or testimonials left by customers on trusted 3rd party sources such as Google and Facebook. You can build trust and credibility with your audience by showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers. Using video testimonials takes this authenticity to the next level.

Prominently displaying reviews benefits your website and engages your customer base, making them feel valued and appreciated. Regularly updating these visual reviews helps keep your content fresh and relevant.

Visual elements capture the attention of visitors to your website. Placing video testimonials throughout different pages creates an interactive user experience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

5. No Stretched or Distorted Images

Make sure all images are the right size and not distorted. This prevents a bad user experience.

Optimize image files for the web to avoid slow loading times. Large images can be a pain for users waiting for your site to load.

Regularly check for stretching or distortion issues caused by oversight or coding errors – these can be real pain points for visitors navigating your site.

Test your website across different devices and browsers to ensure that image quality remains consistent everywhere – you don’t want potential customers leaving due to poor visuals.

  • Check for proper sizing of all images
  • Optimize image files for faster loading
  • Regularly check for stretching or distortion issues
  • Test across various devices and browsers

Don’t let distorted or stretched-out images ruin the aesthetics of your website. By following these practices, you ensure that every visual element on your site looks sharp and professional.

Improving image quality also reflects positively on your brand’s credibility – showcasing attention to detail and care in every aspect of your online presence.

6. Mobile Friendly

Use responsive design to ensure that your website adapts well to different screen sizes. This way, regardless of whether someone is visiting from a desktop computer or a smartphone, they will have an enjoyable browsing experience.

Pay attention to your site’s loading speed on mobile devices. Slow-loading sites can deter visitors, so optimize images and content to keep load times minimal.

Simplify navigation on mobile screens by organizing menus logically and minimizing the need for excessive scrolling or zooming. Visitors should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly.

Optimizing forms and checkout processes for mobile users effectively boosts conversion rates. Make sure that filling out forms and contacting you via phone is straightforward and hassle-free.


  • Enhanced user experience
  • Improved conversion rates
  • Increased accessibility across devices


  • Requires additional time for optimization
  • Potential design limitations on smaller screens

7. Not Getting Distracted by Too Many Offers

“Hick’s Law predicts that the time and the effort it takes to make a decision, increases with the number of options.” 

(Source: UX Planet)

Try not to overwhelm your visitors with a lot of offers or promotions. Focus on highlighting a few key deals tailored to meet your target audience’s needs. This ensures that your visitors are not bombarded with too many options.

Prioritize quality over quantity when creating your offers. Make sure each offer is valuable and relevant to what your audience is looking for on your site. This approach helps in keeping visitors engaged without feeling like they are being presented with an excessive amount of information or choices.

Communicate the value of each offer on your website. Ensure that the benefits and opportunities provided by each deal are easily understood by someone visiting your site for the first time. This clarity helps entice visitors without overwhelming them with unnecessary details or distractions.

8. Clarity on What Exactly You Offer Right Away

When visitors land on your website, clearly communicate what you offer immediately. Use simple and engaging language to describe your products or services concisely. Highlight the unique selling points that set you apart from competitors.

Use images, icons, or even 👉 emojis to represent your offerings visually. These elements can help grab visitor’s attention and make it easier for them to understand your offerings quickly. By incorporating these visual aids, you enhance the overall user experience on your website.

Visitors should grasp exactly what you provide within seconds of arriving on your site without having to navigate through multiple pages. The goal is to ensure that potential customers do not have to spend time searching for basic information about your products or services.

  • Clearly communicate product/service offering
  • Use concise language
  • Highlight unique selling points
  • Utilize visuals/icons for representation

Aim for a layout that allows users to absorb information effortlessly. A clean and intuitive design enables visitors to navigate seamlessly through your site while understanding what you offer at a glance.

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Your homepage should serve as a gateway where users can immediately comprehend the essence of your business. An organized structure with well-defined sections helps in guiding visitors towards key information without confusing or overwhelming.

Keeping clarity around your offerings from the moment users arrive on your site, you create a positive first impression and increase the likelihood of retaining their interest longer.

  • Design an easy-to-navigate layout
  • Create an organized homepage structure
  • Guide users towards key information efficiently

Simplicity is key. Most online users have limited attention spans, so capturing their interest promptly is crucial for retaining their engagement with your brand.

9. Why Is This Company Different? Bullet Points or Featured ‘Differentiating Features’

Showcase what sets your company apart. Highlight unique features in bullet points for clarity and easy reading. These qualities should address customer pain points and offer distinct benefits. Incorporate testimonials or case studies to prove the effectiveness of these features.

Regularly updating and refining these differentiating features as your business grows ensures continued relevance and competitiveness in the market.

  • Showcase unique features
  • Address customer pain points
  • Offer distinct benefits
  • Incorporate testimonials or case studies
  • Regularly update differentiating features

Another effective way to differentiate your company is by emphasizing how these unique qualities directly benefit customers. For example, if you provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences, highlight how this feature saves customers time by offering tailored solutions quickly.

By focusing on solving specific pain points through innovative solutions, you establish a strong brand identity that resonates with the target audience. This attracts new customers and fosters loyalty among existing ones who appreciate the value added.

Also, staying ahead of industry trends and anticipating changing customer needs can give you a competitive edge. By adding cutting-edge technology or introducing novel services before competitors do, you position yourself as an industry leader continuously delivering value to its customers.

10. Trust Factors Feel Clean or Branded

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Incorporate trust factors that feel clean and branded. Using consistent colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your brand identity establishes a sense of professionalism and reliability on your site. This cohesion helps visitors recognize your brand easily.

  • Consistent branding enhances professionalism
  • Trust badges showcase credibility

11. Interior Pages Have Clear CTA Above the Fold and at the End of the Page

Placing a call to action strategically above the fold increases the chances of capturing visitors’ attention right away. This immediate visibility prompts more clicks and encourages users to take action promptly.

To make your CTAs even more effective, use persuasive language that directly relates to the purpose of each interior page. For example, if you’re promoting a new product on a specific page, your CTA could say “Get a Quote Now” or “Learn More.” Tailoring your CTAs in this way ensures they resonate with visitors and prompt them to engage further.

Also, including a final CTA at the end of each page is beneficial for capturing those visitors who have scrolled through all the content but may need an extra push toward taking action. This final call to action is a gentle nudge toward the finish line, prompting users to convert before leaving the page.

12. Social links and Active on Social Platforms

Integrating social media links into your website makes it easy for visitors to find and connect with you across platforms. You can demonstrate that you are active on social media by showcasing recent posts or engagement metrics. This display of activity can help build trust and credibility with your audience.

Encouraging visitors to follow or engage with you on social media keeps them updated and opens up opportunities for promotions and interactions. Including social proof elements like follower count or testimonials further strengthens your credibility in the eyes of potential customers. Regularly updating your profiles with relevant content is crucial to maintaining an engaging online presence.

When visitors see social links prominently displayed on your website, they are more likely to explore different platforms to interact with your brand. For example, placing clickable icons linking to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn accounts in the header or footer of each page ensures easy access for users seeking additional information about your business.

13. Have At least 30+ Google Reviews – 4.5 Stars or Greater

Having at least 30 Google reviews with a rating of 4.5 stars or higher is ideal for establishing credibility and trust with your audience. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews by offering them incentives, such as discounts on future purchases or exclusive access to promotions.

Displaying review snippets prominently on your website can boost your credibility and encourage potential buyers to trust your products or services. Responding promptly and professionally to positive and negative reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

14. Fully Fleshed out Google Business Profile

Providing complete and accurate information about your business makes it easier for potential customers to find you online. Include essential details such as contact information, opening hours, and a detailed description of your products or services.

Regularly updating your profile with high-quality images, engaging posts, or special offers keeps it fresh and captivating for visitors. This dynamic approach showcases that your business is active and customer-oriented, encouraging more interactions and inquiries from potential clients.

Monitor customer inquiries or feedback on your Google Business Profile closely and respond promptly. Addressing positive reviews with gratitude and negative feedback with professionalism demonstrates excellent customer service standards that can set you apart from competitors.

15. Having Growing Traffic and Keywords

You can enhance your site’s visibility online by consistently working on your site’s organic traffic and keyword rankings. Regularly checking your website traffic and keyword rankings is essential. This helps you spot trends and areas for improvement that can lead to increased website visitors over time.

Implementing SEO best practices like optimizing meta tags, headings, and URLs can significantly impact your site’s search performance. These optimizations help search engines better understand the relevance of your content, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your website.

  • Consistently work on improving organic traffic
  • Regularly analyze website analytics
  • Use keywords targeting relevant terms
  • Create content aligned with user intent
  • Implement SEO best practices for improved visibility

16. Have At least 5 Links with over 12 UR Rating

Aim for at least five links from reputable websites with a URL Rating (UR) of 12 or higher. Seek out opportunities with industry influencers for guest blogging to earn valuable backlinks. You can secure more link-building chances by building relationships with authoritative sites in your niche.

Regularly monitor the quality of your existing backlinks to ensure they are not spammy or low-quality; disavow any harmful links. Implement internal linking strategies on your website to enhance navigation and improve SEO performance. Internal links help users navigate through different pages of your site easily while also spreading link equity across various pages.

Quality matters more than quantity. Having just a few high-quality backlinks from influential websites can significantly impact SEO rankings compared to numerous low-quality ones. For instance, if you run an HVAC company, collaborating with renowned home improvement bloggers or magazines can provide valuable backlinks that drive traffic and increase visibility.


  • Boosts website credibility
  • Enhances SEO performance
  • Improves user experience through better navigation


  • Requires ongoing monitoring of existing backlinks
  • Can be time-consuming to establish collaborations with authoritative sites

17. Content Going out on a Regular Basis

To have an engaging website, maintain a consistent content publishing schedule. You can effectively plan and organize your content offers by creating a content calendar. Providing valuable and informative content is key; make sure it addresses your audience’s pain points or interests.

Different content formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, or podcasts adds variety to your website. This variety keeps your audience interested and engaged in what you have to offer. Promote your content through social media, email newsletters, or guest posting channels for maximum exposure.

Having a routine of creating and sharing relevant blog posts keeps your audience coming back for more information consistently. Planning with a well-organized content calendar helps streamline the process of producing quality blog posts.

By offering diverse forms of information, such as videos or infographics alongside traditional written blogs, you cater to different preferences within your target audience. Meeting their needs by providing varied types of content ensures that everyone finds something they enjoy on your site.

18. Location Landing Pages for Services

Service pages dedicated to each location that your company serves can significantly increase your local search presence. Customize these pages with specific details like addresses, contact information, and testimonials from local clients. Tailoring the content to each location enhances credibility and trust among potential customers.

Optimizing your location landing pages with relevant keywords is essential for targeting local search queries effectively. Including phrases such as “AC repair in [city]” or “top-rated plumber near [neighborhood]” can improve your page’s visibility on search engine results pages. This optimization increases the chances of attracting organic traffic looking for services in their area.


  • Enhanced online visibility
  • Increased credibility with local customers
  • Improved search engine ranking through keyword optimization


  • Requires regular maintenance
  • Potential duplication of content across multiple location pages

Creating distinct location landing pages benefits your SEO strategy and enhances user experience by providing relevant information based on their proximity to your services. Each page acts as a virtual storefront tailored to meet the needs of potential customers searching within specific geographic areas.

19. 500+ Words for Each of the Key Service Pages

When creating your winning website your key service pages contains at least 500 words of valuable content. This should be informative and engaging, providing visitors with a comprehensive understanding of your services.

Include detailed information about your services, highlighting their unique features, benefits they bring to clients, and consider adding transparent pricing details. Presenting this information clearly on your web pages establishes credibility and trust with potential customers.

Incorporating relevant keywords naturally throughout service pages improves your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) ranking. These keywords help search engines understand your page and can drive more organic traffic to your site when users search for related terms.

To enhance readability and user experience, break up the text on these pages using headings, bullet points, or visuals. This formatting not only makes the content easier to digest but also keeps visitors engaged as they navigate through the information provided.

20. Interlinking throughout the Site

You seamlessly guide site visitors through your content by linking relevant pages and posts. Ensure that the anchor text accurately reflects the linked page’s content for easy navigation.

A well-thought-out internal linking strategy on your website will improve user experience and navigation. Connecting related pages within your site creates a cohesive web of information that keeps site visitors engaged and encourages them to explore more of what you offer.

Regularly review and update your internal links as your website evolves its structure and content. This practice ensures that all interconnected pages remain relevant and contribute effectively to guiding site visitors through your online platform effortlessly.


  • Enhances user experience
  • Improves website navigation
  • Encourages visitor engagement


  • Overloading with links can confuse users
  • Inaccurate anchor text may mislead visitors

Optimizing internal linking based on insights from website analytics helps identify areas for improvement in guiding site visitors effectively throughout your website. Monitor how users interact with these links to make informed decisions about enhancing their visibility and relevance.

Closing Thoughts

You’ve now got the winning website formula at your fingertips. Make sure your website has a big, bold call to action right away, friendly customer-focused headlines, and pictures of smiling customers. Remember to showcase visual reviews and videos, keep your images sharp, and ensure your site is mobile-friendly. Don’t overwhelm visitors with too many offers; be clear about what you offer and why you’re different. Build trust with clean branding, an active social media presence, and positive Google reviews.

Implement these strategies step by step, focusing on improving user experience and building credibility. Your website is the online face of your business—make it shine!

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