Web Design

32 Web Designers & Marketing Influencers to Pay Attention To

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Web Designers, Web Marketers to pay attention to - Web Marketing influencers list

Web Designers, Web Marketers to pay attention to - Web Marketing influencers list


I’ll be frank and honest with you. These are people I want to collaborate with, ask questions to; just pick their brain for a couple minutes. You don’t become a web design or web marketing influencer without rubbing a few elbows with some. You become who you hang around, and so follow these men and women on Twitter, read their blogs and listen to their podcasts!

Follow these people on Twitter & Bookmark their Blogs Now (click their name for twitter profile):

1. Jeffrey Zeldman – zeldman.com

2. Chris Coyier – CSS Tricks – css-tricks.com  & chriscoyier.net

3. Sean McCabe – SeanWes seanwes.com/business-blog & seanwes.com/podcast/

4. Rand Fishkin – Moz – moz.com/rand

5. Mike Monteiro – Mule Design muledesign.com/blog

6. Chris Spooner – Spoon Graphics – Spoon.Graphics

7. Steven Snell – Vandelay Design – vandelaydesign.com/blog

8. Ronald Bien – Naldz Graphics  – naldzgraphics.net

Banner Text: "Complimentary Website Audit: Unlock Your Winning Strategy"  
Bold Text: "Claim Yours Now"  
Note with Arrow: "Exclusively for Home Service Companies"  

Background: Dark with a subtle pattern.

9. David Walsh – davidwalsh.name

10. Vitaly Friedman – Smashing Magazine – smashingmagazine.com



Gaining Speed: (click their name for twitter profile)


11. Wil Reynolds – wilreynolds.com & seerinteractive.com/blog 

12. Joe Pulizzicontentmarketinginstitute.com/author/joepulizzi/

13. Monoela Ilic – tympanus.net/codrops/author/crnacura/

14. Mark Ford – Red Web Design  – blog.red-website-design.co.uk 

15. Syed Balkhi  – wpbeginner.com  & syedbalkhi.com

16.  Oli Gardner – unbounce.com/blog 

17. Seb Kaysebkay.com & inspirationalpixels.com

18. Eric W Mobleyericmobley.net/blog/

19. Nicolas Felton – feltron.tumblr.com & skillshare.com/classes/design/Data-Visualization-Designing-Maps-with-Processing-and-Illustrator

20. Jeff Bullas – jeffbullas.com

21. Brandi Heft-Kniffinbrandisea.com & designmatters.wordpress.com

22. Danny Brown – dannybrown.me


Miscellaneous Web Design & Web Marketing Resources: (click their name for twitter profile)


23. Skillshare – skillshare.com

24. Creative Market – creativemarket.com

25. Lyndalynda.com

26. Treehouse Blog – blog.treehouse.com

27. Smashing Magazine – smashingmagazine.com

28. MarketingPodcasts.com – marketingpodcasts.com

29. Casey NeistatCasey on Youtube

30. CoDrops – codrops.com

31. A List Apart – alistapart.com

32. Web Design Tuts + – webdesign.tutsplus.com


Thanks for following the whole list of web design influencers and web marketing influencers 😉 And I look forward to providing banging value in future web marketing blog posts for you.

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