Lead Generation

Solar Lead Generation: 5 Effective Tips to Get You More Solar Leads Today!

Getting leads for your business can seem like a daunting and sometimes haunting task. Solar lead generation doesn’t need to be that way, because you can get solar leads today through the…

Estimated Read Time:  7 minutes


solar website design

Getting leads for your business can seem like a daunting and sometimes haunting task. Solar lead generation doesn’t need to be that way, because you can get solar leads today through the power of SEO.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of improving your web presence and visibility in order to grow awareness and traffic. Increased website traffic = more solar leads. The best part about good SEO is that the benefits compound over time. It’s not something that you have to worry about working on every day.

If you want to know how to start getting passive leads, then you’ll want to read on and use these five tips to get more solar leads today!

Solar Lead Generation

Unlike some other industries, the solar industry is one that is growing very quickly. Between the pressure to become more environmentally friendly to the tax advantages of using solar, there are plenty of reasons for both homeowners and business owners to switch to solar power. But how can you be sure that those looking to install solar will find your business? Solar lead generation through a robust SEO and content strategy might be what you need in order to take your business to the next level.

We’re here to help you by being a resource of information and offering our services to you. If you want more solar leads, reach out to us today!

Solar panels as a ground mount system. Solar lead generation strategies.

1. Know and Understand Your Niche Market

For solar businesses, a niche market could be based on location, the type of solar systems you install, or whether you specialize in residential or commercial solar. When small or large businesses are spread out into too many different markets, it can hurt their business more than help it. Focus on the thing your company is best at and pursue that market. Through the use of reviews and your consistent hard work, you could become an industry leader in your area for your niche. With a little work, you’ll be able to consistently get leads within your niche. Here’s a checklist to help you identify and stick with your niche:

  • Identify what your company is best at.
  • Identify your ideal customer and how they’ll find you.
  • Adjust your website to promote your niche market and audience.
  • Develop company guidelines that push your niche.
  • Create sales funnels directed towards ideal customers.

After you work through these steps you’ll be ready to keep moving forward towards more solar lead generation strategies.

2. Get Reviews

Reviews are a huge way to boost your company’s overall awareness and effectiveness in solar lead generation. It should be easy to find your company’s reviews through Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, etc. Better yet, you can use these reviews on your website to encourage viewers to get in contact with your company.

Google Local Services (Google My Business)

If you don’t know how to set up Google My Bussiness you can read this article. Besides getting reviews, Google My Bussiness will help your business show up in “Near Me” searches. Anyone who searches for “solar company (near me)” is going to see your business. Those are the kind of people that you want to see your website! Advanced Google My Business users might also consider using Google posts to help boost their SEO.

Finally, ask customers to give you reviews. It never hurts to ask for a review, and most people are going to be more than willing to help out by giving you a review. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews or even if your customers would be willing to work with you to make video testimonials.

Here’s the quick checklist:

  • Reviews help solar lead generation.
  • Set up Google My Business.
  • Get found in “Near Me” searches.
  • Ask ideal customers for reviews of your work.

3. Develop a Good SEO Strategy

If you’re currently doing your own marketing and not using SEO at all, you might begin to realize that you’re missing out. Without a solid SEO strategy, your company is missing out on hundreds of organic leads each year. The big things that you can do to help your website’s SEO are:

  • Correctly set up your website URLs.
  • Build landing pages based on location and niche services.
  • Develop a successful keyword strategy.
  • Consistently release fresh content (blogs and articles) about your industry or niche.

Each of these practices can seem time-consuming and daunting as you get started, but each of them carries immense value to your overall marketing strategy. Better yet, Each of these practices will exponentially grow your website traffic after the initial tasks are completed. Stick with consistent SEO in order to see your company grow and receive more solar leads.

If you’re new to SEO or don’t have the time or skill to accomplish these different tasks, consider checking out our SEO packages. SEO and Web Design is what we do best here at Hook and we’re always looking for smart and professional business owners that we can partner with to help give you more leads.

Home with solar on the roof. Helps with solar leads

4. PPC or Pay-Per-Click

Using PPC will help your website’s SEO strategy and boost your leads. PPC or pay-per-click might not be something your altogether familiar with. A good way to think of it is simply paid digital ads. These ads can be targeted to help you get more sales qualified leads instead of filling your inbox with forms that won’t ever qualify for a sale. You can target consumers who visited specific pages on your website, follow you on social media, or are the correct demographic / ideal customer for your niche. You can find our solar company PPC offerings here.

Here’s a video that breaks down PPC vs. SEO:

Event Marketing

Although most, if not all, event marketing will be canceled for 2020, it is still a viable option for the future of solar lead generation. Year over year, there are more events as solar continues to become more popular. If you’re looking to get into event marketing, here are some tips. Keep in mind that you should consider targeting home improvement shows as well as other similar events that highlight home improvement and sustainability as these events will have more potential customers and more solar leads.

  • Sponsor a booth to build a brand presence at the event.
  • Take part in the social media buzz surrounding the event.
  • Use hashtags, geo-tracking, and location-based ads to target those who attend the event.
  • Walk around the event and meet people.

When participating in events, there are lots of different strategies that you can use. But, the best ones are the ones that work to put you face to face with potential customers. If your product and services are better than your competitors, the best way to show, that is to demonstrate it through conversation and customer service at an event. Be sure to be thorough when creating a solar lead generation plan for your next event.

Wrapping It Up

If your business is going to be successful in pulling in organic solar leads, you’re going to need a robust digital marketing strategy. There are plenty of companies that you could work with to achieve some of these different goals. But, we’re an agency that will not only put you first but fight on your behalf. Solar lead generation is one of the marketing niches that we specialize in and have seen great success in.

Maybe you’re a marketing director at a solar company, and you’ve been tasked with getting more solar leads. Feel free to use our website, blog posts, and this post as a resource for your business. We exist to help other businesses grow, and we want to be a resource to whoever we can be.

Reach out to us today to get started or for a quick intro call to learn more about how we might be able to help you grow your business.

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