Nowadays, every roofer should know about the importance of being active on social media.
The question is, do roofers know how to use social media effectively?
First of all, roofers need to know that social media is continuously changing.
What worked yesterday might not be working today.
If you feel stuck with the results that you’re getting and wondering how you can maximize your success for your roofing company on social media, Check out the following tips:
1. Every Social Media Channel is Different
Are you offering residential or commercial roofing services?
Your roofing company needs to define the target audience; whether they’re homeowners, building owners, or property managers.
If you are focusing your services on residential roofing, we would recommend using Facebook and Instagram primarily.
These are the platforms with the most active users right now and where most homeowners spend their time.
Now, if you want to target building owners or property managers you want to be on LinkedIn and Twitter.
These two social media channels are focused on B2B strategies and all the commercial real estate companies and their team executive members are there.
What about YouTube? Go ahead and upload videos with testimonials of your roofing services and your team on the job.
2. Use a Content Calendar
Once you define your target audience, the next step is developing a content calendar for your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
This content calendar should outline your roofing services, tone, voice, posting hours, subjects, etc.
The most important thing is to create valuable content for your audience.
3. Utilize Keywords in your Titles, Descriptions, and Hashtags
You need to research words and phrases that identify what people are searching for, for example, roofing services.
Also, include in your descriptions the words and phrases that describe the roofing topics you want to share.
Hashtags help you to get into your customers’ heads by finding the roofing content you share in the media easily.
In general, including keywords will support your marketing and promotional efforts. You will also see help by including email marketing and pay per click advertising.
4. Pay Attention to the Copywriting
Valuable content is everything in your roofing company’s marketing plan. People take an average of 3 seconds to decide if they engage with your post, or keep scrolling into the next one.
You need to pay attention to other factors as well like images, headlines, etc; not just the content itself.
Your copywriting should engage your target audience and draw them to your roofing services shortly and concisely.
You need to think like your potential customer and ask yourself what could be valuable for them in the post.
5. Don’t Forget to Include Images and Videos
You can include your roofing services images; test various forms of images such as photos, infographics, carousels, and of course videos.
By testing various forms of images and videos, you will be able to identify which ones resonate more with your audience and make them take more actions.
In all the social media channels, the top-performing format for roofing businesses is videos.
6. Use a Social Media Management Tool for Scheduling and Posting Consistently
It doesn’t matter if you’re sharing your roofing content on just one social media account. We highly recommend using an app to schedule posting consistently.
You need to learn how to manage the posting and test the times, that way you can discover which content is working and which isn’t.
We like Hootsuite and we would suggest it, but there are other tools that roofing companies and Marketers use with great success.
The best part about Hootsuite is that you can add three social media profiles for free.
7. Measure What Matters to You
Take a look at your Social Media insights and profiles.
Every social media channel has insight tabs that can help identify what matters to you.
If you’re a new roofer and your goal is to raise awareness for your roofing products and services, you need to establish brand awareness measurements.
These KPIs include reaching impressions and views.
But if you’re goal is established around lead generation then your KPIs need to include calls, website visits, leads, and roofing project conversions.
8. Create a Content Library
You can write different updates and topics of one piece of content to schedule out over the next weeks or months.
This roofing and marketing library will help you to save all the evergreen content that is social media worthy and will save you time in the future.
However, don’t forget there are always going to be new roofing topics coming up to follow and update.
9. Optimize Advertising
If you want to increase the chance of social media success for your roofing company, we recommend experimenting with ads.
One unique benefit of digital advertising is that you will have the ability to make adjustments any time you want.
Once you’re able to understand your roofing ads performance, you can consider optimizing them and allocate your yearly budget where it needs to be.
An excellent way to provide value through your social media advertising is to offer exclusive and unique roofing services benefits to the home and building owners.
You can even give an incentive to the people that follow you.
10. Keep a Close Follow Up to the Roofing Industry
Last but not least, you need to keep your finger on the roofing industry pulse.
It is constantly evolving, and new trends are continuously emerging.
If you don’t make an effort to keep yourself informed about the roofing industry trends, you will see that your social media and marketing strategies will become less effective.
Your potential customers may even start paying more attention to other roofing companies.
If a new roofing trend comes available and you don’t take advantage, you could miss the chance to reach better leads or sales opportunities because you don’t know it exists.
You can subscribe to Roofers Going Digital and keep yourself informed of any relevant roofing industry and marketing news, changes, and updates.