
How Roofing Contractors do Consultations During COVID-19

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On Hook Agency's website: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a woman wearing a face mask participates in a video call with masked contractors. Her laptop signifies the current climate of caution. The workspace is illuminated by natural light, featuring potted plants and a closed notebook.

The Coronavirus and all the changes that have come along with it have caused roofing contractors to have to get more creative with the way they are doing their consultations.

With people having to social distance and shelter in place, what was once a simple consultation process is now a bit more of a challenge.

So what are roofing contractors doing, and how are they able to keep their distance?

Check out what our roofers had to say.

What Our Current Times Look Like

During the time this article was put together, we are living in an extraordinary time that no one has ever experienced before. One that is causing change for business and people in the form of social distancing, sheltering in place, and some non-essential businesses are having to suspend activity for the time being.

This makes it hard for roofing contractors to go about their business as usual and is causing most of them to come up with new ways to do consultations and work with their customers.

Technology that is Being Used

With people having to social distance and not being able to come in contact with each other, many companies now have to resort to technology to get the job done.

You can see some great examples here:

One way Stephanie Craig and Urbach Roofing are using technology is through zoom calls to do their re-roofing estimates. They are also not accepting checks and are instead taking credit and cards over the phone to eliminate contact.

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Gigi of Allied Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc said they have been taking full advantage of modern times and is using much of what’s available to them. Gigi said they have been doing their billing electronically and paperless, as well as doing their estimates with a particular software they have, as well as with licensed and equipped drones. Gigi stated that this process can be done from the office, so they do not have to come into contact with the homeowner.

It’s amazing what can still be done during these times with the technology we are provided with. The roofing contractors taking advantage of these tools have not noticed much of a change in business and continue to work and get business during these times.

If you’re one of those businesses that are finding it hard to continue business during these times, do some research on the different options out there that you can implement into your processes. You could find the answer you’ve been looking for.

Precautions Roofing Contractors are Taking

The roofing community is taking several precautions to keep their customers, and themselves at lower risk of getting and spreading the Coronavirus.

One way Jenny Odom and Centennial Roofing are taking precautions is by having their homeowners send over pictures themselves, so they can diagnose damage and move on from there. Another way Centennial Roofing is taking precaution is by entering through the homeowner’s attic if they have one so they don’t have to enter the home.

We also hear similar things from Jack Barnes of JOB Roofing Construction LLC
and Julio Marroquin of Ibis Roofing Inc. They have been staying outside and trying to perform their diagnosis from the outside as much as possible.

Another company that is being sure to take precautions is Classic Construction & Restoration Inc. Jason Dove said they are only going to the site of the homeowner only if the homeowner allows them to and are following CDC guidelines.

What Restrictions are Roofing Contractors Facing?

With the social distancing and sheltering in place, one would only assume that this could cause a few restrictions for a roofing contractor and doing their consultations.

While roofing may be deemed as an essential business for most, some restrictions have been taking place for others.

Ryan Diaz, with Bay Valley Roofing, said that new projects are no longer considered essential, and that work is “No longer valid unless it is an emergency repair.” He even mentioned that he has heard of other contractors getting the police called on them by nearby neighbors for working on projects.

John Hilderbrand and Regevig Roofing also said that they have had to shut down new construction and that it has “impacted business heavily.” They are having to put a majority of their projects on hold, wait this out, and hope that things get back to normal soon.

Consultations, Estimates, and Getting Business

When it comes to consultations, estimates, and getting business, there is a shift that has taken place for a majority of the roofing contractors in the industry.

Both Jason Dove (Classic Construction & Restoration Inc) and Ryan Diaz (Bay Valley Roofing) said they have been getting the information they need and them putting together presentations remotely for customers. For their presentations, they have opted to go with video calls and are not engaging face to face for the time being.

Stephanie Craig said they are doing similar things at Urbach Roofing. “We’re using technology and doing more remotely. We didn’t wait for our customers to ask for it, we brought it to them. We use Zoom for video calls on re-roofing estimates.”

Tim Stauffer and ACI Construction said, “On the retail side of our business, we’re doing inspections and giving estimates over email and phone.”

Another company that is doing its estimates and consultations remotely is Allied Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. Gigi mentioned that “estimates are being done from the office” and that they can complete all their estimates remotely through drones and other technology they have implemented into their standard process. They are getting the information they need through that, and will then do their consultations and estimates through a video conversation.

Are Roofers Still Getting Requests for Estimates?

When this question was asked, we heard a few different answers.

Some contractors like Susan Manning and All American Roofing Inc. have had a steep decrease in phone calls and requests for estimates and are seeing an effect on the amount of business because of it.

We hear the opposite from Tim Stauffer and ACI Construction, who said that “Not much has been impacted yet, but as people’s income changes more, I imagine we will shift to more insurance-paid jobs.”

It seemed like certain areas were affected more than others. This is because different regions are having different rules and regulations being put into place.

Now let’s take a quick look at everything that was discussed in this article.

With all the technology we have in today’s time, roofers are still able to do estimates, give consultations, and get business all while keeping their distance and doing it remotely.

Because of things like social distancing and sheltering in place, roofers need these tools and have been taking other precautions as well. Unfortunately, these precautions have caused more restrictions than they are used to, causing some to put a new business on hold for now.

Also, be sure that you are aware of the different rules and regulations that are enforced in your area, or you could be the first roofing contractor on America’s Most Wanted.

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