Little note – I went to 10X Growth Con 2017, and I’m going to 10X Growth Con 2019, so it must’ve been cool enough – eh? 🙂 Tweet me if you’re going too – or if you want to say hi!
The 10x Growth Conference ( #10x , #10xgrowthcon on Twitter/IG) is going on now in Hollywood, Florida – near Miami, Florida. To help myself remember the amazing takeaways from the event, and to share with my friends who aren’t able to make it – I wanted to get some key notes on the speakers and a bit about the event.
10X Growth Con Review: The event was great in so many ways – the same ways that listening to a Grant Cardone audiobook (multiplied by well, 10x) is great, it gets you fired up! Tactics were sprinkled in, but the real value was a on-fire kick in the ass. I can’t say whether I would spend the change on watching all of the video’s per say because a lot of the value I got was from the conversations etc. but I might still! Money invested in your own personal growth is well spent.
10X Growth Con Recap
One day I'm going to make it, til then I'll just keep hustling. #FridayFeeling #10XGrowthCon #10X
— Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone) March 17, 2017
Kevin Harrington
- Using a tripwire in conjunction with your lead funnel. A Tripwire is – “It commonly means is turning a lead into a customer by making them a low-cost, relatively painless offer, then having the opportunity to upsell them once they are in your sales funnel.”
- Amazing quote from Mark Cuban to Robert Herjavec “You’re always trying to protect your downside, think about the upside.”
- “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon… must inevitably come to pass!” – Paul J. Meyer
Tom Peters
- You have to know your cash-flow down to the penny
- I work under the assumption that if someone is working for me – they’re working for me because I won… Now it’s my turn to show them how to make money & win
Lead with praise. "Celebrate what you want to see more of." Tom Peters #10X
— ▪️ FRANCES HUI ▪️ (@FrancesHui) April 15, 2016
Jack Jackintelle
- Foundation for your company is absolutely critical
- Choose your non-negotiables in your company – make them down to the detail if you want.
- Core competencies extremely clear – mean you can create greater margins.
- Create your vision and use it to filter your people. Your people have to believe in your vision.
- “Teams don’t go to the superbowl on trick plays, it’s all about the culture that’s maintained in the locker room.”
- Weed out entitlement, the mediocre, and excuses
Bobby Castro
- Non-refundable minutes: Calculate what each minute costs you / take your yearly income and divide it by working days and then working hours, then minutes, and think about that when you’re wasting time.
- Learn to say no family members, ignore if you can’t say no – your responsibility is to yourself and your own success first.
If you hang out with ambitious and driven people your chances of achieving anything worthwhile in life dramatically increase.#10XGrowthCon
— Brad Lea (@TheRealBradLea) March 17, 2017
"Never fear what will happen if you do it, only fear what will happen if you DON'T do it" @TheRealBradLea #10x #10XGrowthCon #successonstage
— Matt Soltys (@mattsoltys) March 17, 2017
Brad Lea
- “You’re either going to take a chance, or work for someone that took a chance.”
- Overdeliver. Slackers eventually go away.
- “If you want a million dollars, solve a million problems”
- “There is no key to success. It’s a combination.”
- “Train your ass off.”
- Don’t worry about what happens if you do it (take a risk,) worry about what happens if you don’t.
Zero to Lightspeed: The 5 Factors to Guaranteed Success. @TheRealBradLea #10X @GrantCardone #10XGrowthCon
— Wayne Burrell (@WayneBurrell) March 17, 2017
Victor Antonio
- Segment your market
- Fire the bottom 20% of producers
- Every CEO only cares about expanding revenue, decreasing cost and increasing market share so unless you can show them how to do that, they won’t care.
- In a B2B sale it will take an average of 8 weeks – and 6-8 people to sign off
- If you don’t sign a client – 10% go to your competitor and 30% don’t make a decision, 10% of those on price and 20% just have analysis paralysis – shift your perspective to stop focusing on the competitor and focus on that 20%.
- “Segment your marketing – clarity equals confidence, confusion equals chaos.”
- Sell value, not price.
- Never ask freeloaders, stupid people, and never ask people who don’t know.
Andy Frisella
- Did the customer go out and leave a post on Facebook about how awesome the experience was? If not – you failed.
- “People don’t believe fuckin ads – they believe other people.”
- What could you do that was so amazing that a customer would have to tell everyone on social how awesome was.
- Create such an amazing experience that you make a customer / client loyal and it insulates you from your competitor.
- This way your customers would rather pay for yours than get your competitors for free.
Russell Brunson
- Find smart people and model them
- Find successful lead funnels and model them
- Upsell, Upsell, Upsell after you have a customer
- Use to find the ways / sites, giving them traffic
- Buy advertising on the same websites as them after you’ve modeled their funnel
"When YOU have the ability to inspire the world, well then, you must." – GC@russellbrunson #10XGrowthCon
— Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone) March 18, 2017
Les Brown
- Someone’s opinion of you doesn’t need to be your reality.
- We should be ashamed to die, if we haven’t made our contribution to humankind.
- Give before you ask. “Provide more service than you get paid for.”
Roddy Chong – Violinist
- You must play through the mistakes
- There’s often a custom made moment of brilliance on the other side
- 10x-ing isn’t just about cars and watches – it’s about courage and discipline
Chelsea Krost
- We have an opportunity to be a bridge from brands to our niche audience – utilize influencers
- Get your website mobile optimized and keywords strategized – as well as hashtags
- Millennials – will spend 200 Billion in 2017
- Millennials are making or breaking businesses now
- Millennials are not homogenized
- “I’ve taken time to know what my audience I like… I serve them”
Tim Grover
Had this up on Youtube, but it looks like it got taken down.
Elena Cardone
- Watch your empire and get rid of people sucking energy
- Expect excellence and competence
- Empires fail because they leave their original purpose
- Don’t let just anyone in your courtyard / empire
People want to be led by those who have knowledge and authority. #10x #10xgrowthcon #makemoney #success #grantcardone #timstorey
— Clarence (@CAFstrategies) March 19, 2017
Tim Story
- Getting around excellence there is a rubbing off of power
- Run with a tribe – that energizes and inspires you
- Some people won’t understand you – you’re not normal
- (They can’t catch a FM station on a AM dial)
Create a referral generating system, your current clients are your best new clients!! – @JayAbrahamGroup #10x #10xgrowthcon
— SearchDecoder (@SearchDecoder) March 19, 2017
Q&A with Jay Abraham
- Who has a systematic approach to getting referrals – this is huge. Get multiple systematic approaches
- If you have proven model, approach, and marketing – sell all the others in your area in the same marketing, 20 grand + 3% to be part of your model.
- Who already has access to your market – that’s not threatened by what you do: partner with them.
- Find who’s got the audience and partner with them.
- Get more certainty on the prime demographic (geographic etc.) and hone and target your efforts further, including your systematic approaches to getting referrals.
- Grant Cardone: You’re over-selling. Say: “Have you seen enough to make a decision?”
- Can’t call on broke clients
Jarrod Glandt
- Look for the right vehicle , do whatever it takes to get on that rocket ship
- Action over planning
- We don’t get caught up in the details of planning – we just start moving, we make a decision and act on it.
- You have to be ruthless with the target
- There have to be consequences for not hitting the target
- Do whatever you can to make it clear there’s a problem when the team doesn’t hit the target
- Incentivize everybody! Pay people when they produce
Grant Cardone
- You can’t be successful without attention
- Consistency is absolutely crucial
- Most people are only getting just enough to compare themselves to better off than other people
- Starts by literally making up a price – before he knows what the product will look like or how he’ll promote it.
- Never do a deal with somebody who’s gone back on a deal.
- His first book was written quickly, had 100’s of mis-spellings and grammatical errors
- The price is made up, the date is made up, “I can’t do it” is made up – “I just want to be happy” is made up
- A million dollars is made up – and is a lazy goal. It ends in 0!
Also check out Cardone University for amazing sales coaching videos and materials.