Case Study: 2.4 Million His First Year With Hook’s Help

How did Anthony Fuschel do 2.4 Million his first year?

You’ll notice a pattern in our case studies… 

We don’t take all the credit for these wins.

Why? Well – people like Anthony Fuschel from Montana Roofing Solutions are the real hero of the story when it comes to their own marketing. 

If you want to do 2.4 Million Your first year, go all in

  • Anthony decided to go all in with his new company and get a Hook website even though it was expensive. He says “100% the best ROI to date has been the website”
  • Anthony had worked for another roofing company before and had a ‘whatever it takes’ approach to sales and spending extra time on the business that first year. 
  • The video below shares how Anthony was working 16 hours a day – 6 days a week.

The market matters – how to partner with a marketing agency

We love clients like Anthony because he take serious responsibility for the result. 

He wants to push into marketing because he knows he can close deals. 

Learning how to close deals from Google is different than referrals or other kinds of leads. 

We love clients with winning energy

From his attitude to his hustle, Anthony exemplifies an amazing partner and now that he’s growing – leader. 

In fact, this is the owner of the company writing this case study right now (Tim Brown) and my favorite part about this business is getting to work with entrepreneurs like Anthony on a regular basis. 

Learning from their ‘Winning Energy’, and how to apply that to leadership. That’s why I’m so passionate about the roofing industry, and why we’ve move to serve this industry is because we see so much of this type of attitude and the fact someone with winning energy can start a business and that business is making 3-5 Million dollars a few years later. 

Very cool!

*We generally work with companies that are past 2M but will make exceptions for companies who have a super driven founder, think of this as a partnership, have a track record of success, and are willing to invest a decent amount. 


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