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What’s the Ideal Landing Page Layout? [Wireframe Template]

After studying Unbounce founder Oli Gardner’s un-negotiables for landing page design, and digging deeper into what the absolute ideal looks like according to marketers who A/B test on a regular basis I’ve…

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Whats the ideal landing Page Template - AI Wireframe Template

After studying Unbounce founder Oli Gardner’s un-negotiables for landing page design, and digging deeper into what the absolute ideal looks like according to marketers who A/B test on a regular basis I’ve come up with these helpful guidelines:

  1. Include your unique value proposition. What is the purpose of the page and why should the ideal demographic care? Heading and subhead to add clarity.
  2. A hero image that shows the product or service in context being used by the person who is in the ideal demographic.
  3. A series of benefits that are either in bullet points, a numbered list, or short and succinct paragraphs.
  4. Social proof such as showing people on social media that approve, testimonials with the people that wrote them. People in the prime demographic should be able to identify with these individuals.
  5. A contact form, or a call to action to buy now or add to cart in the case of a product. The button should starkly contrast with other items on the page and be visually prominent. You can do this with color, darkness/lightness and scale. Ideally it might have a little helper text right beneath the button to help decrease friction with a final benefit that would help someone click the button, i.e. 30 Day Guarantee, or ‘5 Star Rating on Google Reviews’.

To help I’ve put together a visual representation of this and provided a link to an AI file to help you get off the ground quickly with the visual design of such a landing page.

Landing Page - Ideal Template from Unbounce

Download the Illustrator Template
This is meant to help give you some ideas, enjoy!


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