Work in the solar industry and need a good laugh? We’ve curated the best solar memes, comics, and jokes – to give you chuckle. Whether you’re a solar installer, or in solar sales and marketing – feel free to share these on social and tag us on IG or anywhere on social media at @hookagency!
Without further ado – first up are solar memes!
Solar Memes for your enjoyment
Solar Comics
Solar Jokes
- What Is A Solar Panels Favorite Drink? Sunny-D
Dad can you explain to me what a solar eclipse is? No sun
Why are solar panels so trustworthy? They don’t work in the shadows.
- My neighbor told me he was getting solar panels. Well, he’s got my respect. What a power move.
You know, if I had to rate our solar system I’d probably give it one star
What do you call a solar powered keyboard? A photosynthesiser
And one adorable solar pup for good measure
Have a lovely day!