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Today Joseph Paulson and I talked how to “How to Program Yourself to Be More Productive” from everything from useful superstition, training neural pathways and little hacks to help your smart brain assist your dumb brain.
Tools / Specific things mentioned in the Podcast:
1. Ā RescueTimeĀ
2. Ā SelfControl App
7. Tony Robbins Priming + 3-3-3 morning routine
Brief Outline:
1. Talking through useful superstition and imagining the universe is conspiring to help you.
2. Brain Synaptic pathways and how you can create patterns in your mind that are useful.
3. Tools and specific techniques for productivity.
4. Useful morning routines to get yourself in the right mindset to be productive.
5. Why focus and priorities matter and make you more productive.
6. You are only human ā give yourself and advantage by using your smart side to hack your dumb side.
7. Purpose… and how having a vision will help you stay productive.
8. Outro etc.