Hot take: If your business has 250k in revenue you shouldn’t be spending money on marketing at all.
I saw an amazing thread about cheap and low cost marketing strategies on Linkedin, and said to myself – it would be a shame if this thread disappears into the ether of the internet!
11 Marketing Experts “Scrappy Marketing Ideas”
- Ed Cravo, Linkedin Profile – – “This past week we went to a conference. We purchased 500 cans of cold brew coffee. Stayed up til 2am with my Co-founder and CEO manually applying sticker labels that put our brand and offer on the cans. The next two days we were the most popular booth ever! Scrappy? “
- Cassidy Shield, Linkedin Profile – Narrative Science – “For us, we wrote, self-published, and distributed a book using our people.”
- John Crandall, Linkedin Profile – Real Good Marketing – “Have been shooting from the hip with narrative-based content to grow traffic – – – > It could get your further than anticipated and at far lower cost and effort. It’s also less ‘glossy,’ possibly more authentic, although it will have flaws. “
- Steve Toth, Linkedin Profile – SEO Notebook – “So many things, it’s hard to choose. SEO is very scrappy in general. One thing I did recently was contact a site that was featuring the old version of the FreshBooks app. I asked him to update it and he did. After that I offered him some SEO advice and let’s just say he put together a nice feature on us.
- Christopher Beaudin – Linkedin Profile – AtAtl Software “I’ve committed to writing an eBook a month this year to help our market understand the ways they can improve their buyers’ experience. It consumes many of my days… but the research, the thought creation, and the creative exercise I have to go through ensures that both my team and I have a locked in voice around our message. Getting hands on can be tiresome, but scrappy can lead to happy.”
- Hiba Amin – Linkedin Profile – Soap Box “I feel like 90% of what we do as a team of 3 is scrappy. So, this is super nice to hear! We wanted to launch something new on Product Hunt so we developed, designed and marketed a question suggester bot within a week! This was the final product of the campaign/bot:“
- Kaloyan Dimitrov – Linkedin Profile – “UGC – sent emails to bunch of users, asking them to contribute to our content efforts. Didn’t really get to the perfect segment, but now I can safely update 10+ pages and we got a couple of offers to work on additional case studies :)”
- Greg Heilers – Linkedin Profile – “To market our earned media service, I filtered through dozens of posts in website flipping groups, then conducted an (extremely polite) outreach campaign to those selling/buying top tier sites.”
- Mike Rizzo – Linkedin Profile – “I just went ahead and built the damn landing page myself instead of waiting for resources (dev/design) to help. Had a vision, did the best I could to bring it to life.”
- Luke Alley – Linkedin Profile – AvaLaunch Media – “Podcasting! I’ve got my first interview tomorrow and I have no idea what I’m doing “
- Tim Brown – Linkedin Profile – Hook Agency – “Scrappy is one of our core values (for real – and it’s basically how we built our company. I once auctioned off my web design services for 6k worth of magazine advertising, and then got my first 2 clients (that I didn’t know previously) off of that. Since then – it’s been being active on Twitter (have done 100k+ in revenue off of Twitter.) From there – it’s been using spare times – like Saturday morning – to do keyword research, and blog about things our ideal customers care about. We would have to pay Google $60,000 a month to get the kind of traffic we’re getting – organically, “for free.” Content marketing + guest posting + learning keyword research and some technical SEO brings in 100’s of leads. And… always ask for referrals and create systems around that ;)”
Wrapping Up
So if you’re looking to build a business from the ground up – scrappiness is powerful.
If you’re a growth-oriented company on the rise, scrappiness can also give you a major leg up.
If you’re a growth-oriented company looking for powerful SEO – send us a message to chat about our strategies!